Annotated bibliography

Language can pose a barrier to the transfer of knowledge as publications in languages other than English are often overlooked. This can cause biases in our understanding of the world.

The ENROPE Annotated Bibliography is a multilingual and open-access directory of references. It comprises bibliographic details, abstracts and annotations of non-English publications that are relevant to the field of plurilingualism in education and related topics.

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Authors Year Title in English Sorteeri kasvavas järjekorras Title in the original language Language
Daniela Elsner 2010 „I have something that you don’t…” Or: Which added value does multilingualism provide for foreign language Learning? "Ich habe was, das du nicht hast…" Oder: Welchen Mehrwert hat die Mehrsprachigkeit für das Fremdsprachenlernen? Saksa keel
Campos, I.O. 2019 ‘I don’t remember being told anything about linguistic plurality in school’. A qualitative study on attitudes towards the minoritized language of teacher education students in Alto Aragón ‘No recuerdo que en el colegio me hablaran sobre pluralidad lingüística’. Un estudio cualitativo sobre las actitudes hacia la lengua minorizada de los maestros altoaragoneses en formación Hispaania keel
Çiçek, C. 2013 Why is a language banned? Language policies and the situation of Kurdish in Turkey Zimanek Çima Tê Qedexekirin?Polîtîkayên Zimanî û Rewşa Kurdî li Tirkiyeyê Ji Înkarê Ber bi Nasînê Kurmanji Kurdish
Campos, I.O. 2017 Understanding the situation of Aragonese after teaching in primary and infant education for 20 years Hurbilketa aragoieraren egoerara lehen hezkuntzan eta haur hezkuntzan 20 urtez irakatsi osteanFamlien jarrerak Euskera
Meier, G. 2012 Two-way integration through bilingual education? Results from Berlin State Europe School (SESB) Zweiwegintegration durch zweisprachige Bildung? Ergebnisse aus der Staatlichen Europa-Schule Berlin Saksa keel
Campos, I.O. 2018 Towards a didactics of the minoritized language in contexts of linguistic assimilation. Some contributions from theory Hacia una didáctica de la lengua minorizada en contextos de asimilación lingüística. Algunas aportaciones desde la teoría Hispaania keel
Hufeisen, B. 2010 Theoretical foundation of multiple language learning - factor model / model of factors 2.0 Theoretische Fundierung multiplen Sprachenlernens – Faktorenmodell 2.0 Saksa keel
Eibensteiner, L., Koch, C. 2018 The use of past tense in Spanish as a foreign language: A comparison of Austrian pupils with Romance polyglots El uso de los tiempos del pasado en español como lengua extranjera: Una comparación de aprendientes escolares austriacos con políglotas románicos Hispaania keel
Campos, I.O. 2015 The NICT in the minority language preservance. A participatiry – action research in education Las NTIC en la conservación de las lenguas minoritarias. Una investigación-acción en el ámbito educativo Hispaania keel
Campos, I.O. 2017 The motivation issue in the teaching – learning process of a language in danger. The case of Aragonese language La motivación en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de una lengua en peligro. El caso del aragonés Hispaania keel