Annotated bibliography

Language can pose a barrier to the transfer of knowledge as publications in languages other than English are often overlooked. This can cause biases in our understanding of the world.

The ENROPE Annotated Bibliography is a multilingual and open-access directory of references. It comprises bibliographic details, abstracts and annotations of non-English publications that are relevant to the field of plurilingualism in education and related topics.

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Authors Year Title in English Title in the original language Language
Campos, I.O. 2019 ‘I don’t remember being told anything about linguistic plurality in school’. A qualitative study on attitudes towards the minoritized language of teacher education students in Alto Aragón ‘No recuerdo que en el colegio me hablaran sobre pluralidad lingüística’. Un estudio cualitativo sobre las actitudes hacia la lengua minorizada de los maestros altoaragoneses en formación Spanish
Campos, I.O. 2019 Keys in the minoritised language teaching. An approach to the case of Aragonese language Claves en la enseñanza de la lengua minorizada. Acercamiento al caso del aragonés Spanish
Campos, I.O., Tabernero, R. 2020 Exploring the opportunities for the minoritized language in the school. A quantitative research on attitudes towards Aragonese language Explorando las oportunidades de la lengua minorizada en la escuela. Una investigación cuantitativa sobre actitudes hacia el aragonés Spanish
Hufeisen, B. 2010 Theoretical foundation of multiple language learning - factor model / model of factors 2.0 Theoretische Fundierung multiplen Sprachenlernens – Faktorenmodell 2.0 German
Meier, G. 2012 Bilingual education and school improvement: Conclusions from Wix Primary School / École de Wix Enseignement bilingue et l’amélioration des performances scolaires : les conclusions de l’expérience Wix Primary School / École de Wix à Londres French
Meier, G. 2010 Social and interculutral benefits through bilingual education: An examination of State Europe School Berlin Soziale und interkulturelle Vorteile durch zweisprachigen Unterricht? Eine Untersuchung in der Staatlichen Europa-Schule Berlin German
Aamotsbakken, B., Matthes, E., Schütze, S. 2017 Heterogeneity and digital media for education Heterogenität und Bildungsmedien German
Calvet, Louis-Jean 1974 Linguistics and Colonialism: little treatise on glottophagy Linguistique et Colonialisme: petit traité de glottophagie French
Litvonov, A., Ivolina, T. 2013 Metacognition: Concept, structure, association with intellect and cognitive processes Метакогниция: Понятие, структура, связь с интеллектуальными и когнитивными способностями (по материалам зарубежных исследований) Russian
Asbrand, B., Martens, M. 2018 Documentary Classroom Research Dokumentarische Unterrichtsforschung German