Language can pose a barrier to the transfer of knowledge as publications in languages other than English are often overlooked. This can cause biases in our understanding of the world.
The ENROPE Annotated Bibliography is a multilingual and open-access directory of references. It comprises bibliographic details, abstracts and annotations of non-English publications that are relevant to the field of plurilingualism in education and related topics.
Do you know any relevant articles in languages other than English? If yes, please help us grow the ENROPE Annotated Bibliography.
Authors | Year | Title in English | Title in the original language Sort descending | Language |
Daniela Elsner | 2010 | „I have something that you don’t…” Or: Which added value does multilingualism provide for foreign language Learning? | "Ich habe was, das du nicht hast…" Oder: Welchen Mehrwert hat die Mehrsprachigkeit für das Fremdsprachenlernen? | German |
Campos, I.O. | 2019 | Contributions to language planning in Alto Aragón: Attitudes of Primary Education students towards the minoritized language | Aportaciones para una planificación lingüística en el Alto AragónActitudes de los escolares hacia la lengua minorizada | Spanish |
Campos, I.O., Tabernero, R. | 2020 | Exploring the opportunities for the minoritized language in the school. A quantitative research on attitudes towards Aragonese language | Explorando las oportunidades de la lengua minorizada en la escuela. Una investigación cuantitativa sobre actitudes hacia el aragonés | Spanish |
Campos, I.O. | 2018 | Towards a didactics of the minoritized language in contexts of linguistic assimilation. Some contributions from theory | Hacia una didáctica de la lengua minorizada en contextos de asimilación lingüística. Algunas aportaciones desde la teoría | Spanish |
Campos, I.O. | 2018 | Minority language teaching, job dissatisfaction or burnout syndrome? Aragonese language teachers’ reflections abaut almost two decades of Aragonese teaching at Pre- Primary and Primary Education | Lengua minoritaria y docencia, ¿insatisfacción laboral o síndrome de burnout? reflexiones de los maestros de aragonés sobre casi dos décadas de su enseñanza en la educación infantil y primaria | Spanish |
Campos, I.O. | 2018 | Mass Media and Minoritized Language: Prejudice, Activism and Linguistic Fragmentation. The Case of Aragonese Language | Lengua minorizada y medios de comunicaciónprejuicio, activismo y fragmentación lingüística. El caso del aragonés | Spanish |
Campos, I.O. | 2015 | More than a Century of ‘Linguicide’ in the Classroom: An Approach to the Case of Aragonese | Más de un siglo de lingüicidio en las aulasAproximación al caso del aragonés. | Spanish |
Campos, I.O. | 2018 | Is it possible to make progress in the teaching of Aragonese in schools? An analysis of the linguistic attitudes of pre-school and primary school teachers? | ¿Es posible avanzar en la enseñanza escolar del aragonés?análisis de las actitudes lingüísticas de los maestros de educación infantil y primaria | Spanish |
Campos, I.O. | 2015 | Aragonese language ‘keepers’? The teaching of Aragonese implemented since 1997: current situation and prospects | ¿Garantes de la salvaguarda del aragonés?Situación y resultados de la enseñanza del aragonés implementada desde 1997 | Spanish |
Campos, I.O. | 2019 | ‘I don’t remember being told anything about linguistic plurality in school’. A qualitative study on attitudes towards the minoritized language of teacher education students in Alto Aragón | ‘No recuerdo que en el colegio me hablaran sobre pluralidad lingüística’. Un estudio cualitativo sobre las actitudes hacia la lengua minorizada de los maestros altoaragoneses en formación | Spanish |