Annotated bibliography

Language can pose a barrier to the transfer of knowledge as publications in languages other than English are often overlooked. This can cause biases in our understanding of the world.

The ENROPE Annotated Bibliography is a multilingual and open-access directory of references. It comprises bibliographic details, abstracts and annotations of non-English publications that are relevant to the field of plurilingualism in education and related topics.

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Authors Year Sort ascending Title in English Title in the original language Language
Campos, I.O. 2015 Deepening the implementation and future prospects of Aragonese in formal education. Structure and first results of a research project under development Profundizando en la situación y perspectivas de futuro del aragonés en la enseñanza reglada. Estructura y primeros resultados de un proyecto de investigación en desarrollo Spanish
Campos, I.O. 2015 Aragonese language ‘keepers’? The teaching of Aragonese implemented since 1997: current situation and prospects ¿Garantes de la salvaguarda del aragonés?Situación y resultados de la enseñanza del aragonés implementada desde 1997 Spanish
Campos, I.O. 2015 Attitudes towards Catalan of future Aragonese primary education teachers Actitudes hacia el catalán del futuro profesorado aragonés de Educación Primaria Spanish
Campos, I.O. 2015 More than a Century of ‘Linguicide’ in the Classroom: An Approach to the Case of Aragonese Más de un siglo de lingüicidio en las aulasAproximación al caso del aragonés. Spanish
Miguel Figueroa Saavedra, Daniela Alarcón Fuentes, Daisy Bernal Lorenzo, José Álvaro Hernández Martínez 2014 The incorporation of national indigenous languages into the academic development of universities: The experience of the Universidad Veracruzana La incorporación de las lenguas indígenas nacionales al desarrollo académico universitario: la experiencia de la Universidad Veracruzana Spanish
Jakisch, J. 2014 Teacher Perspectives on TEFL and Multilingualism Lehrerperspektiven auf Englischunterricht und Mehrsprachigkeit German
Çiçek, C. 2013 Why is a language banned? Language policies and the situation of Kurdish in Turkey Zimanek Çima Tê Qedexekirin?Polîtîkayên Zimanî û Rewşa Kurdî li Tirkiyeyê Ji Înkarê Ber bi Nasînê Kurmanji Kurdish
Campos, I.O. 2013 Learning about linguistic attitudes of primary education undergraduate students on the Huesca and Zaragoza campuses (pilot study) Un acercamiento a las actitudes lingüísticas del alumnado del grado en maestro de Educación Primaria de los campus de Huesca y Zaragoza (estudio piloto) Spanish
Castellotti, V., Candelier, M. 2013 Didactics of plurilingualism(s) Didactique(s) du (des) plurilinguisme(s) French
Bastardas Boada, Albert 2013 Language policies: Possibilities, Limits and Actions Polítiques lingüístiques: possibilitats, límits i accions Catalan