Understanding the situation of Aragonese after teaching in primary and infant education for 20 years

Enviat per Iris Orosia Ca… el ds., 26/09/2020 - 11:22
Author name(s), initial(s)
Campos, I.O.
Title in the original language
Hurbilketa aragoieraren egoerara lehen hezkuntzan eta haur hezkuntzan 20 urtez irakatsi osteanFamlien jarrerak
An abstract in the original language
Bi hamarkada izango dira 2017an aragoiera Huescako probintziako hainbat eskola «pilotu»tan borondatezko irakasgai gisa ezarri zenetik. Urteak igaro ahala eta legediak bidea eman ahal izan duen heinean, arriskuan dagoen hizkuntza hori hezkuntza arloan garatzeko egitasmoek eboluzio xumea ageri dutela diote datu kuantitatiboek. Gainera, gutxi dira aragoierak eskolan dituen emaitzei, egoerari, eta etorkizun-perspektibei buruzko datu zientifikoak. Egoera honen hurbilketa eskaintze aldera, kasu aniztun ikerketa bat egin genuen metodologia kualitatiboa erabiliz. Ikerketaren giltzarria honako hau da: gaur egun aragoiera irakasten duten 26 eskoletako hezkuntza-komunitatearen jarrera linguistikoen analisia. Familiei dagokienez, datuek erakusten dute gehiengoaren jarrerek aragoieraren balorazio positiborako joera dutela; baina irakaskuntza-tresna gisa erabiltzearen aurkako zenbait jarrera dituzte, eta, hizkuntza-ikaskuntzaren ideologia instrumentalari jarraiki, nahiago dute horretarako atzerriko hizkuntza handiak erabiltzea.
An abstract in English
In 2017 it will be two decades since Aragonese was established as an optional subject in a number of «pilot» schools in the province of Huesca. As the years have passed and insofar as legislation has made it possible, the schemes to develop this endangered language in the area of education have, according to quantitative data, seen a modest development. Furthermore, there are few scientific data on the results Aragonese has had in education, on its situation and on its future prospects. In order to provide a closer look at this situation, we conducted multiple-case research using a qualitative methodology. The cornerstone of this research was as follows: a study of the linguistic attitudes of the education community comprising 26 schools in which Aragonese is taught. As regards families, the data indicate that majority attitudes display a positive trend with respect to a positive appraisal of Aragonese; but there are a number of attitudes opposing its use as a tool of education, and, in line with the instrumental ideology of language teaching, they prefer the major foreign languages to be used for this purpose. • Key words: Aragonese, linguistic attitudes, little-used language, language death.
Peer-reviewed journal
Original language
Full reference in original language
Campos, I.O. (2017). Hurbilketa aragoieraren egoerara lehen hezkuntzan eta haur hezkuntzan 20 urtez irakatsi ostean: Famlien jarrerak. Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria, 102, 91-104.