
ENROPE Online Study Phase #2: Building a community

Submitted by Regine Schlößer on Fri, 05/15/2020 - 14:26

The online study phase #2 is approaching the end. 64 participants have registered and offered many insightful contributions. For example, there have been fascinating discussions that covered the whole research proces in the area of Multilingualism. The OSP#2 content and functions will continue to be available for the participants 

All participants have received a link to evaluate the online study phase #2, we will soon post a short summary of the outcomes here.


ENROPE ISW#2 to take place online November 23 -27, 2020

Submitted by Regine Schlößer on Tue, 05/05/2020 - 11:34

Due to the Corona virus situation ENROPE decided to transform Intensive Study Week #2 into an online/blended learning event taking place from November 23 to 27, 2020.

The new online-format will provide early career researchers with
•    lots of room to present, discuss and improve their own projects;
•    an activity-based approach offering interesting tasks for participants at various levels/stages of their MA/PhD/Postdoc projects; and
•    a good mix of synchronous and asynchronous group and individual work throughout the week.

Update regarding Corona

Submitted by Regine Schlößer on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 15:42

Due to the Corona virus ENROPE had to postpone Multiplier Event #2 planned in Paris for the end of March. At this point, we are expecting that Multiplier Event #2 will take place in early spring 2021 at at different partner institution. Further details will be communicated here.

Start of Online Study Phase #2

Submitted by Gabriela Meier on Thu, 03/05/2020 - 12:05

OSP#2 will run during March and April 2020 and focuses on networking, discussion of research challenges and potential collaboration. See here for Tian and Gaby's welcome video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNO2ID127aU. Registration is open (https://enrope.eu/group/12 ). See full welcome message here https://enrope.eu/node/291.

Intensive Study Week #2

Submitted by Priit Tammets on Fri, 02/07/2020 - 14:08

The Call for Applications for ENROPE’s second Intensive Study Week (Paris, University Sorbonne Nouvelle, June 29 – July 3, 2020) IS NOW OPEN!

We invite early career researchers working in the field of plurilingualism and education to submit their applications by March 6, 2020.

For more information and access to the online application form, please see https://enrope.eu/isw2