Metacognition: Concept, structure, association with intellect and cognitive processes

Submitted by Anna Novozilova on to, 06/20/2019 - 16:35
Author name(s), initial(s)
Litvonov, A.
Ivolina, T.
Title in the original language
Метакогниция: Понятие, структура, связь с интеллектуальными и когнитивными способностями (по материалам зарубежных исследований)
An abstract in the original language
В статье приводится обзор зарубежных литературных источников (за по6 следние 15 лет) по проблеме метакогниции и ее связи с интеллектуальными и другими способностями индивида. Анализируются представления ученых об общих и частных характеристиках метакогниции, о возможности целенаправ6 ленного овладения способностью к метакогниции и переноса умений, полу6 ченных в процессе овладения ею, в другие области когнитивной деятельнос6 ти. Рассматривается диагностический потенциал метакогниции, позволяю6 щий прогнозировать развитие интеллектуальной деятельности индивида, его учебной мотивации и саморегуляции в процессе овладения новыми знания6 ми. Приводятся результаты эмпирических исследований, свидетельствующие о нелинейном характере развития метакогниции.
An abstract in English
The article presents the review of key literature references (over the last 15 years) devoted to the issue of metacognition and its correlation with intellectual and other capacities of individuals. It analyzes several concepts concerning general and special characteristics of metacognition, the possibility of its purposeful attainment and transmission of metacognitive capacities to other areas of cognitive activity. The review touches upon the diagnostic potential of metacognition as giving the possibil6 ity to predict intellectual development of an individual, his or her motivation and self6regulation in educational practice. The article contains references to some empirical data disclosing the non6linear character of metacognitive development.
Annotation in English
Litvonov, Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of foreign languages, University of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, and Ivolina, Assistant professor of the chair of foreign and Russian philology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow present the review of key literature references devoted to the issue of metacognition and its correlation with intellectual and other capacities of individuals. The article analyzes several concepts concerning general and special characteristics of metacognition, the possibility of its purposeful attainment and transmission of metacognitive capacities to other areas of cognitive activity. Keywords: metacognition, self6regulated learning, critical thinking, metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive skills.
Peer-reviewed journal
Original language