The ENROPE Multiplier Event #3 was scheduled as a half day conference in the form of a webinar, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The title was ‘Towards Plurilingual Professional Identities’ and it was organised on 16 March 2021 by the Mercator European Research Centre on Multlilingualism and Language Learning/ Fryske Akademy in Leeuwarden.
One purpose of the webinar was to offer a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience on a range of topics, including the professional identity development in plurilingual research, networking and collaboration; the need for bibliographic references to publications in languages other than English; multilingualism and language education and more. Another purpose was to get the participants acquainted with the ENROPE project with its interrelated core intellectual outputs; the ENROPE platform (IO1), the ENROPE-E portfolio (IO2) and the Qualification Handbook (IO3).
Four speakers from the universities of Exeter, Groningen, Hamburg and Istanbul were invited to give a presentation on their research subjects. Abstracts of the presentations can be found in the digital booklet. A large part of the audience on 16 March was PhD-candidate, language teacher or a Bachelor or Master student, assistant professor or Post-Doctoral Researcher.
Dr Sarah McMonagle presented her research on the research cluster Language Education and Multilingualism in Germany. She sent us this Brochure to share with you: 'Research Cluster Language Education and Multilingualism 2013–2020: Project descriptions and findings 1st and 2nd funding phases'.
The coordinator of the ENROPE project started the day with a short introduction to the ENROPE project. At the end of the presentations, a round table conversation took place with all the previous speakers and with two postgraduate researchers from the University of Exeter, who both participated in ENROPE events before.
The Enrope Team will do its best to post a recording of the webinar online as soon as possible. All the registered participants will be notified when it is online.