Multiplier Event #1, Tallinn
Our first Multiplier Event will take place soon in Tallinn, Estonia! It will focus on the Online Platform and it is organised as a workshop including a round table discussion.
Multiplier Event in Paris will be rescheduled, Multiplier Event in Tallinn on January 24, 2020
Due to a general strike starting on December 5, we will have to reschedule the ENROPE Multiplier Event in Paris. The Multiplier Event will be most likely postponed to the beginning of March, too. We will keep you updated and let you know as soon as we have a new date.
ENROPE workshop at Exeter (UK): Researching multilingually Monday 21 October 17.00-18.30, St Lukes Campus, Room Baring Court 101
The University of Exeter is running a workshop based on an ENROPE Task. This is hosted by Exeter’s Language and Education Network. We welcome researchers, working in the field of plurilingualism/multilingualism, from Exeter University and other institutions to join us for this workshop.
ENROPE’s first online study phase is about to start!
We are delighted to announce that ENROPE's first online study phase will commence on 2nd September 2019! Participants will find several tasks that help shape their ENROPE portfolio and to engage with fellow researchers on pluri-/multilingualism and education. The tasks will address the Intensive Study Programme in Berlin (ISP1) and expand on the experiences we made, the discussions we had and the work we started.
For those who have not had the chance to attend ISP1, the online study phase will give an opportunity to discover many of the issues ENROPE addressed in Berlin.
Job Posting at the Universität Siegen
The Universität Siegen (Germany) offers a position as research assistant with the department for the didactics of Spanish and French culture and language teaching.
Here you will find a link to the original German language job posting on the website of the Universität Siegen. All interested applicants are to send their application documents to Prof. Dr. Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer until the 31st July, 2019.
3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Berlin
19 delegates from all nine partner universities met at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (21-22 June 2019) at the end of the Intensive Study Week # 1 (17- 21 June 2019) in order to meet the ISW # 1 participants and to witness the bond and the collaborative work of this research community. We also updated each other on the work-packages and discussed the next steps of the project regarding the current and future early-career researchers in the field of plurilingualism and education.