The participants of the ENROPE Intensive Study Week #1 have been selected!
Dear applicants,
Please check your e-mails to see if you have been selected as a participant of the ENROPE Intensive Study Week #1 taking place from June 17 to 21, 2019 in Berlin. If so, please confirm by April 30. In case you cannot attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can give your place to a person on the waiting list.
We are looking forward to hearing from you,
the ENROPE team
Intensive Study Week #1: Selection process is on the way
Thanks for all your applications! The selection process is now on the way and you will soon hear back from the ENROPE-team. Please submit your email address to if you haven"t so far.
2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Exeter
19 delegates from all nine partner universities met at the University of Exeter (21-22 March 2019) to update one another on progress made regarding our work-packages all related to supporting current and future early-career researchers in the field of plurilingualism and education. Together with PhD students we discussed ideas for the Intensive Study Week that will take place in Berlin (17-21 June 2019), and we talked about next steps.
Call for Applications: ENROPE Intensive Study Week #1, Summer 2019, Berlin
ENROPE's Intensive Study Week #1 is coming up and you can apply from today on. Please apply here and find all information in the Call attached.
ENROPE kick-off meeting
On 10th and 11th September 2018 representatives of all project partners came together at Goethe University in Frankfurt a.M. for an intensive exchange of ideas relating to ENROPE`s project development: the ENROPE kick-off meeting. The two-day agenda focused on objectives, content, timelines, priorities, and technical matters; the approach itself focused on communicative and collaborative outcome-oriented activities.