minoritized language

Learning about linguistic attitudes of primary education undergraduate students on the Huesca and Zaragoza campuses (pilot study)

Submitted by Iris Orosia Ca… on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 12:47
Author name(s), initial(s)
Campos, I.O.
Title in the original language
Un acercamiento a las actitudes lingüísticas del alumnado del grado en maestro de Educación Primaria de los campus de Huesca y Zaragoza (estudio piloto)
An abstract in the original language
Aunque numerosas investigaciones han evidenciado los beneficios de articular el aprendizaje de y en las lenguas propias, mayoritarias y extranjeras, y de que expertos e instituciones han denunciado la delicada situación de las lenguas propias de Aragón, las aulas aragonesas siguen caracterizándose por el escaso protagonismo de estas lenguas, y sobre todo del aragonés. La escuela es uno de los factores clave en el proceso de revitalización y salvaguarda de las lenguas minoritarias. Sin embargo, antes de emprender cualquier cambio lingüístico en el panorama educativo es indispensable conocer cuáles son las actitudes tanto de los hablantes de estas lenguas como del resto de los individuos de la sociedad a la que pertenecen. Con el fin de acercarnos a las actitudes lingüísticas del futuro profesorado aragonés de Educación Primaria, presentamos un estudio donde destacan los resultados considerablemente positivos hacia el aragonés a pesar de la minorización que sufre esta lengua en todos los niveles.
An abstract in English
Numerous studies have shown the benefits of articulating the learning of, and in our own, majority and foreign languages, and experts and institutions have denounced the sensitive situation of Aragon's own languages. Despite this, Aragonese classrooms continue to be characterised by the scant prominence of these languages, especially Aragonese. Schools are one of the key factors in the process of revitalising and safeguarding minority languages. However, before undertaking any linguistic change in the educational context, it is essential to know the attitudes of both the speakers of these languages and other individuals in the society to which they belong. In order to gain an understanding of the linguistic attitudes of future Aragonese teachers of primary education, we present a study in which we highlight the considerably positive results towards Aragonese despite the minority status of this language at all levels.
Peer-reviewed journal
Original language
Full reference in original language
Campos, I.O. (2013). Un acercamiento a las actitudes lingüísticas del alumnado del grado en maestro de Educación Primaria de los campus de Huesca y Zaragoza (estudio piloto). Alazet: Revista de filología, 25, 31-56.

More than a Century of ‘Linguicide’ in the Classroom: An Approach to the Case of Aragonese

Submitted by Iris Orosia Ca… on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 12:06
Author name(s), initial(s)
Campos, I.O.
Title in the original language
Más de un siglo de lingüicidio en las aulasAproximación al caso del aragonés.
An abstract in the original language
La escuela como espacio contribuyente al retroceso del aragonés ha sido un factor de alusión recurrente durante las últimas décadas en monografías dedicadas al estudio y caracterización lingüística y cultural de la provincia de Huesca. Sin embargo, no existe un análisis de su repercusión que ofrezca una visión holística, fundamentada en lo sucedido desde la llegada de la escuela a mediados del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Con el fin de paliar esta carencia se recopilaron y analizaron los testimonios documentados disponibles y se desarrolló una investigación sobre la situación actual mediante un estudio de caso múltiple bajo metodología de naturaleza etnográfica. Los resultados muestran la continuación de ciertas prácticas represivas hacia los jóvenes hablantes de aragonés en nuestros días.
An abstract in English
The role of the school in the shift of Aragonese language has been underlined during the last decades in works focused on the linguistic and cultural characterization of Huesca province. Nevertheless, there is not still available a holistic study focused on the analysis of its influence over the years, from 19th century to the present. With the aim of contributing to this field a work of compilation and analysis of the available documented testimonies was done. It was complemented with a research on the current situation in the schools of Alto Aragón. The research was developed under a multiple case design and a qualitative ethnographic methodology. Results show the continuation of some practices of linguistic repression in our days.
Peer-reviewed journal
Original language
Full reference in original language
Campos, I.O. (2015). Más de un siglo de lingüicidio en las aulas: Aproximación al caso del aragonés. Studium: Revista de humanidades, 21, 199-230.

Why is a language banned? Language policies and the situation of Kurdish in Turkey

Submitted by Şerif Derince on Thu, 06/20/2019 - 16:19
Author name(s), initial(s)
Çiçek, C.
Title in the original language
Zimanek Çima Tê Qedexekirin?Polîtîkayên Zimanî û Rewşa Kurdî li Tirkiyeyê Ji Înkarê Ber bi Nasînê
An abstract in the original language
Ev pirtûk, li ser dîroka dilsoj a zimanê kurdî ji vê pirsa bingehîn re bersivekê digere. Polîtîkayên dewletê yên der barê zimanê kurdî de û têkoşîna kurdan a siyasî û hiqûqî ya li dij wan polîtikayan di pirtûkê de cihekî berfireh digire.
Pirtûk ne tenê têkoşîn û serpêhatiya zimanê kurdî ya li Tirkiyeyê, ji welat û erdnîgariyên ku qedexeyên li ser zimanan û têkoşîna azadiya zimanan lê tê meşandin jî gelek mînakan dide û hewl dide ku ji bo gihiştina statûyekê ya zimanê kurdî, modelekê deyne meydanê. Ev xebata ku di warê xwe de berhemeke tekane û hêja ye, tiştekî din jî nîşanî me dide ku têkoşîna li hemberî windakirina zimanan têkoşîneke zor û zehmet e û jê re ked û xebateke bêhempa divê.
Annotation in English
This book seeks an answer to the fundamental question about the tragic history of the Kurdish language in Turkey. (Turkish) State policies on the Kurdish language and the Kurdish political and legal struggle against these policies are covered extensively in the book.
The book not only gives the struggle and experience of the Kurdish language in Turkey, but also many examples from countries and geographies where language bans are enforced and the struggles for freedom of these languages continue. In this way, the book tries to come up with directions for promotion of the Kurdish language in Turkey. This work, which is a unique and valuable book in its field, shows us something else that the struggle against the loss of languages is a hard and difficult struggle and it requires unparalleled work and effort.
Original language
Kurmanji Kurdish
Full reference in original language
Çiçek, C. (2013). Zimanek çima tê qedexekirin?. Istanbul: Peywend Publishing House